Malzahn, Manfred

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MALZAHN, Manfred

MALZAHN, Manfred. German, b. 1955. Genres: Novellas/Short stories, Poetry, Songs/Lyrics and libretti, History, Literary criticism and history. Career: University of Edinburgh, Scotland, foreign language assistant, 1985-88; University of Monastir, Kairouan, Tunisia, senior lecturer, 1988-89; University of Setif, Algeria, senior lecturer, 1990; University of Malawi, Zomba, senior lecturer, 1991-92; National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan, professor, 1993-98; United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, professor, 1998-. Publications: Aspects of Identity: The Contemporary Scottish Novel (1978-1981) as National Self-Expression, 1984; (coauthor) Instant Lessons: Materialien fuer den Konversationsunterricht, 1987; Germany 1945-1949: A Source Book, 1991; (ed.) Chancellor College First Year Literature Anthology, 1992; (trans.) Albrecht Dihle, Greek and Latin Literature of the Roman Empire, 1994; Scots: Das Englisch der Schotten, 1994, 3rd ed., 2002; Station Intensiv (musical drama), 1997. Contributor of articles, reviews, and poetry in English, German, and Scots to books and periodicals. Address: Dept of English Language & Literature, United Arab Emirates University, PO Box 17771, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates. Online address: