Malone, Hank

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MALONE, Hank. American, b. 1940. Genres: Poetry. Career: Social Work and Urban Studies, Wayne State University graduate school, part-time faculty member, 1967-71; American Broadcasting Company, Southfield, MI, talk-radio host, 1970-74; Department of Mental Health, City of Highland Park, Highland Park, MI, director, 1976-85; Metrotag, P.C., Livonia, MI, clinical psychotherapist, 1985-95. Publications: Survival, Evasion, and Escape: Poems, 1985; Footstrikes and Spondees: Poems, 1993; New Mexico Haiku, 1995; Experiencing New Mexico (essays), 1998; James Dickey-On the Eve of the Millennium (long poem), 1999. Address: 1220 J Nakomis Dr NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112, U.S.A. Online address:

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