Macqueen, John

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MACQUEEN, John. Scottish, b. 1929. Genres: History, Language/ Linguistics, Literary criticism and history. Career: University of Edinburgh, lecturer in Medieval English and Scottish Literature, 1959-63, Masson Professor of Medieval and Renaissance Literature, 1963-72, director of the School of Scottish Studies, 1969-88, professor of Scottish Literature and Oral Tradition, 1972-88, endowment fellow, 1988-92, honorary fellow, Faculty of Arts, 1993-96. Publications: St. Nynia, 1961; Robert Henryson, 1967; Ballattis of Luve, 1970; Allegory, 1970; Progress and Poetry, 1982; Numerology, 1985; The Rise of the Historical Novel, 1989; Place Names of the Rhinns and Luce Valley, 2002. EDITOR: (with T. Scott) The Oxford Book of Scottish Verse, 1966; (with W. MacQueen) A Choice of Scottish Verse 1470-1570, 1972; (with W. MacQueen) Scotichronicon III and IV, 1989, I and II, 1993, (with W. MacQueen and D.E.R. Watt) V and VI, 1995; Humanism in Renaissance Scotland, 1990. Address: Slewdonan, Damnaglaur, Drummore, Stranraer DG9 9QN, Scotland. Online address: