Mackerras, Colin Patrick

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MACKERRAS, Colin Patrick

MACKERRAS, Colin Patrick. Australian, b. 1939. Genres: Novellas/Short stories, History, International relations/Current affairs, Literary criticism and history, Race relations, Theatre. Career: Beijing Foreign Languages Institute, teacher of English, 1964-66, 1986, 1995; Australian National University, Canberra, research scholar, 1966-69, research fellow, 1969-73, sr. research fellow, 1973, ed., Papers on Far Eastern History, 1970-73; Griffith University, School of Modern Asian Studies, Brisbane, foundation professor, 1974-; Key Centre for Asian Languages and Studies, Brisbane, co-director, 1988-96; Asian Ethnicity, editor. Publications: (with N. Hunter) China Observed 1964-67, 1967; The Uighur Empire According to the T'ang Dynastic Histories, 1968, rev. ed., 1972; The Rise of the Peking Opera 1770-1870; Social Aspects of the Theatre in Manchu China, 1972; Amateur Theatre in China, 1949-1966, 1973; The Chinese Theatre in Modern Times, 1975; China: The Impact of Revolution, 1976; Musical Cultures of Asia: China, 1980; The Performing Arts in Contemporary China, 1981; Modern China, 1982; Chinese Theater from Its Origins to the Present Day, 1983; (with E.S.K. Fung) From Fear to Friendship, 1985; Western Images of China, 1989, 2nd ed., 1999; Portraits of China, 1990; Chinese Drama, 1990; (with A. Yorke) The Cambridge Handbook of Contemporary China, 1991; Eastern Asia, 1992, 3rd ed., 2000; China since 1978, 1994, 2nd ed., 1998; China's Minorities, 1994; China's Minority Cultures, 1995; Australia and China, 1996; China in Transformation, 1900-1949, 1998; Sinophiles and Sinophobes, 2000; The New Cambridge Handbook of Contemporary China, 2001; China's Ethnic Minorities and Globalisation, 2003. EDITOR: (with D. Leslie and W. Gungwu) Essays on the Sources for Chinese History, 1973; (with N. Knight) Marxism in Asia, 1985; (with R. Cribb and A. Healy) Contemporary Vietnam: Perspectives from Australia, 1988; (with D.H. McMillen and A. Watson) Dictionary of the Politics of the People's Republic of China, 1998; Ethnicity in Asia, 2003. Address: School of Intl Business and Asian Studies, Griffith University, Nathan, QLD 4111, Australia. Online address:;

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Mackerras, Colin Patrick

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