Machotka, Pavel
MACHOTKA, Pavel. American (born Czechoslovakia), b. 1936. Genres: Art/Art history, Psychology. Career: Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, instructor in social relations, 1962-65; University of Colorado, Medical Center, Denver, assistant professor to associate professor of clinical psychology, 1965-70; University of California, Santa Cruz, associate professor to professor of psychology, 1970-, provost of College V, 1976-79, chairperson of Academic Senate, 1992-94. Also works as professional painter. Publications: (with D.G. Langsley, D.M. Kaplan, and others) The Treatment of Families in Crisis, 1968; (with J.P. Spiegel) Messages of the Body, 1974, rev. ed. as The Articulate Body, 1982; The Nude: Perception and Personality, 19794; Cezanne: Landscape into Art, 1996; (ed. with L. Dorfman, L. Martindale, and others) Emotion, Creativity, and Art, 1997; Style and Psyche: The Art of Lundy Siegriest and Terry St. John, 1999; Painting and Our Inner World, forthcoming. Contributor to psychology and art periodicals. Address: Department of Psychology, Social Sciences II, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, U.S.A. Online address: