Macdonald, Marianne
MACDONALD, Marianne. Also writes as Marianne Korn. Canadian, b. 1934. Genres: Novels, Children's fiction, Plays/Screenplays, Literary criticism and history. Career: Writer; actress. University of Toronto, Canada, lecturer in English, 1960-62; University of Keele, Newcastle, England, lecturer in American studies, 1964-69; Middlesex Polytechnic, London, England, principal lecturer in English, 1972-86. Publications: CHILDREN'S BOOKS: Black Bass Rock, 1952; Smugglers Cove, 1955; The Treasure of Ur, 1958; The Pirate Queen, 1991; The Eighty-Nine Pennies of Emma Jones, 1992, in US as Dragon for Sale, 1998; The Witch Repair, 1995. PLAYS: Liar, Liar, 1993; In the Company of Strangers, 1996. NOVELS: Death's Autograph, 1996; Ghost Walk, 1997; Smoke Screen, 1999; Road Kill, 2000; Blood Lies, 2001; Die Once, 2002. OTHER: Ezra Pound: purpose/form/ meaning, 1983. EDITOR: The State of Literary Theory Today, 1982; Ezra Pound and History, 1985. Address: c/o J. Korn, David Higham Associates, 5-8 Lower Johns St., London W1R 4HA, England. Online address: