Macdonald, Amy

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MACDONALD, Amy. Also writes as Del Tremens. American, b. 1951. Genres: Children's fiction, Writing/Journalism, Documentaries/Reportage, Illustrations. Career: Proposition Theatre, Cambridge, MA, publicity director, 1975-76; Harvard Post, Harvard, MA, editor, 1976-82; Highwire, Lowell, MA, senior editor, 1983-84; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, copy editor, 1984-88; free-lance writer and editor, 1988-. Teacher at Harvard University, 1988, Stone Coast Writers Conference, 1991-93, and University of Maine at Farmington, 1995; Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, teaching artist, 2003-. On This Island, documentary movie, co-producer, 2001. Publications: (as Del Tremens) A Very Young Housewife, 1979; Little Beaver and the Echo, 1990; Rachel Fister's Blister, 1990; Let's Try, 1992; Let's Play, 1992; Let's Make a Noise, 1992; Let's Do It, 1992; Let's Go, 1994; Let's Pretend, 1994; The Spider Who Created the World, 1996; Cousin Ruth's Tooth, 1996; No More Nice, 1996; No More Nasty, 2001; Quentin Fenton Herter III, 2002; Please, Malese!, 2002. Address: 10 Winslow Rd, Falmouth, ME 04105, U.S.A. Online address:

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Macdonald, Amy

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