Lupica, Mike
LUPICA, Mike. American, b. 1952. Genres: Mystery/Crime/Suspense, Sports/Fitness, Autobiography/Memoirs. Career: Boston Globe, Boston, MA, correspondent, 1970-74; Boston Phoenix, Boston, columnist, 1971-75; Boston magazine, Boston, columnist, 1974-75; Washington Star, Washington, DC, feature writer, 1974-75; New York Post, NYC, basketball writer and columnist, 1975-76; New York News, NYC, columnist, 1977-81; New York Daily News, NYC, columnist, 1980-. Writer for World Tennis, 1974-81, and columnist for the National (daily sports newspaper) and Esquire. Broadcast sports journalist for CBS Morning News, 1982-84, ESPN, 1982-83, WCBSTV, 1983, and WNBC Radio. Publications: SPORTS AUTOBIOGRAPHIES: (with R. Jackson) Reggie: The Autobiography, 1984; (with B. Parcells) Parcells: Autobiography of the Biggest Giant of Them All, 1987; (with F. Imus) Fred Book, 1998. "PETER FINLEY" MYSTERIES: Dead Air, 1986; Extra Credits, 1988; Limited Partner, 1990; Jump, 1995; Bump and Run, 2000; Full Court Press, 2001; Wild Pitch, 2002; Red Zone, 2003. OTHER: Shooting from the Lip (nonfiction), 1988; (with W. Goldman) Wait till Next Year, 1988; Mad as Hell: How Sports Got Away from the Fans and How We Got It Back, 1996; Summer of '98, 1999. Address: New York Daily News, 450 W 33rd St Fl 3, New York, NY 10001, U.S.A. Online address: