Lorca de Tagle, Lillian

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LORCA DE TAGLE, Lillian. American, b. 1914. Genres: Translations, Novellas/Short stories, Autobiography/Memoirs. Career: Ercilla, Santiago, Chile, translator and reporter, 1939-40; independent translator, 1936-49; Bacteriological Institute of Chile (epidemiology department), scientific translator, 1950-52; Organization of American States, Americas (magazine), assistant editor, 1952-54; League of Women Voters, Chattanooga, TN, public relations officer, 1956-62; U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC, escort interpreter, 1962-64; Voice of America, Washington, DC, chief of field services branch in American Republics Division, 1964-89, coordinator of evening air show, 1970-73, cultural affairs officer in Honduras, 1973-76; independent translator, 1989-. Publications: (trans.) R. de Vallbona, Flowering Inferno: Tales of Sinking Hearts, 1994; (trans.) J. Collyer, People on the Prowl, 1995; Honorable Exiles (memoir), 2000. Translator of books from English, French, and German into Spanish for publishers in Chile and Argentina. Address: 5006 Summer Forest Dr, Houston, TX 77091, U.S.A. Online address: lolarco@aol.com

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Lorca de Tagle, Lillian

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