Loney, Glenn Meredith

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LONEY, Glenn Meredith

LONEY, Glenn Meredith. American, b. 1928. Genres: Photography, Literary criticism and history, Theatre, Travel/Exploration, Speech/Rhetoric, Music, Design, Dance/Ballet, Art/Art history, Architecture. Career: Professor of Theatre, Brooklyn College and City University of New York Graduate Center, since 1961. Ed., The Modernist. Professor of English and Speech, University of Maryland Overseas, 1956-59; Professor of English and Speech, Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York, 1959-61. Publications: Briefing and Conference Techniques, 1959; (with P. McKay) The Shakespeare Complex, 1975; The Young Vic Scapino, 1975; Your Future in the Performing Arts, 1980; Twentieth Century Theatre, 1982; California Gold Rush Dramas, 1982; Unsung Genius, 1984; Musical Theatre in America, 1984; Creating Careers in Musical Theatre, 1988; Staging Shakespeare, 1990; Peter Brook: From Oxford to Orghast, 1997. EDITOR: Dramatic Soundings, 1968; (with R. Corrigan) Tragedy, 1971; (with R. Corrigan) Comedy, 1971; (with R. Corrigan) Forms of Drama, 1972; Peter Brook's Midsummer Night's Dream, 1974; The House of Mirth (play), 1981. Address: PhD Program in Theatre, City University Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10016, U.S.A.

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