Locklin, Gerald Ivan

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LOCKLIN, Gerald Ivan

LOCKLIN, Gerald Ivan. American, b. 1941. Genres: Novels, Novellas/Short stories, Plays/Screenplays, Poetry, Literary criticism and history. Career: California State University, Los Angeles, instructor, 1964-65; California State University, Long Beach, professor of English, 1965-. Publications: Sunset Beach (poetry), 1967; (with R. Koertge and C. Stetler) Tarzan and Shane Meet the Toad (poetry), 1970; Poop and Other Poems, 1972; Son of Poop, 1973; Locked In (short stories), 1973; Toad's Europe, 1973; The Toad Poems, 1974; The Chase: A Novel, 1976; The Criminal Mentality (poems), 1976; The Four-Day Work Week and Other Stories, 1977; Toad's Sabbatical (poetry), 1978; Frisco Epic (poetry), 1978; Pronouncing Borges (poetry), 1978; The Cure: A Novel for Speedreaders, 1979; A Weekend in Canada (short stories), 1979; Two Summer Sequences (poetry & prose), 1979; Two Weeks on Mr. Stanford's Farm (poetry), 1980; The Last Toad (poetry), 1980; Two for the Seesaw and One for the Road (poetry), 1980; Scenes from a Second Adolescence and Other Poems, 1981; By Land, Sea, and Air (poetry), 1982; Why Turn a Perfectly Good Toad into a Prince? (poems & story), 1984; The Case of the Missing Blue Volkswagen (novella), 1985; Gringo and Other Poems, 1985; (with R. Zepeda) We Love L.A.: The Olympic Boxing Poems, 1985; The Clubfoot Midget Shoots Pool (poems), 1986; The English Mini-Tour (poems), 1987; A Constituency of Dunces (poems), 1988; The Death of Jean-Paul Sartre and Other Poems, 1988; Children of a Lesser Demagogue, 1988; (with others) Toad Comes to Cleveland (poems), 1988; Return to Ronnie Scott's (long poem), 1988; On the Rack (poems), 1988; The Gold Rush and Other Stories, 1989; Lost and Found (poetry), 1989; The Conference (novella), 1990; The Rochester Poems, 1990; The Illegitimate Son of Mr. Madman (poetry), 1991; Locklin Biblio, 1991; The Return of the Prodigal Father (poetry), 1991; A Yank at Bangor (poems) 1991; (with R. Zepeda) The Lincoln, Nebraska Poems, 1991; The Firebird Poems, 1992; Outtakes (poems), 1992; (with R. Zepeda) The Yellow Ford of Texas (poems), 1993; Toad Writes Short Shorts (poems), 1993; Women Trouble (story chapbook), 1994; Big Man on Canvas (poems), 1994; The Old Mongoose and Other Poems, 1994; (with R. Zepeda) The Durango Poems, 1994; (with R. Zepeda) Buying a Cabin: The Big Bear Poems, 1995; The Cabo Conference, 1995; Two Jazz Sequences, 1995; The Pittsburgh Poems, 1996; The New Male, 1996; Charles Bukowski: A Sure Bet, 1996; The Macao/Hong Kong Trip, 1996; The Last Round-up (poems), 1996; The Art Farmer Suite, and Other Poems, 1997; The Active Ingredient and Other Poems, 1997; The First Time He Saw Paris, 1997; More Jazz Poems, 1998; The Hospital Poems, 1998; Go West Young Toad, 1999; The Firebird Poems, 1999; The Back East Poems, 1999; This Sporting Life and Other Poems, 1999; Down and Out: A Novel, 1999; Running into Ger (poems), 1999; Hemingway Colloquium: The Poet Goes to Cuba, 1999; A Simpler Time, a Simpler Place, 2000; The Face of Chet Baker (poems), 1999; Candy Bars: Selected Stories, 2000; The Iceberg Theory and Other Poems, 2000; Art and Life (poems), 2000; Four Jazz Women: Toshiko, Claudia, June, and Jane, 2000; Familiarities (poems), 2001; Duke, Lester, Charles: The Sixth Jazz Chap (poems), 2001; The Mystical Exercycle (poems), 2002; The Life Force Poems, 2002; Young Chet (poems), 2002; The Author's Not Quite Dead (poems), 2002; Takes on Bill Evans (poems), 2002. Address: English Dept, California State University-Long Beach, Long Beach, CA 90840, U.S.A. Online address: glocklin@csulb.edu