Lichtenberg, Jacqueline

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LICHTENBERG, Jacqueline. Also writes as Daniel R. Kerns. American, b. 1942. Genres: Science fiction/Fantasy. Career: Policy Adviser, Star Trek Welcommittee. Former Chairman, Science Fiction Writers of America Speakers Bureau. Publications: House of Zeor, 1974, 3rd ed., 1981; (with S. Marshak and J. Winston) Star Trek Lives!, 1975; Unto Zeor, Forever, 1978; (with J. Lorrah) First Channel, 1980; Mahogany Trinrose, 1981; Molt Brother, 1982; (with J. Lorrah) Channel's Destiny, 1982, Ren Sime, 1984; City of a Million Legends, 1985; Dushau, 1985; Farfetch, 1985; Outreach, 1986; (with J. Lorrah) Zelerod's Doom, 1986; Those of My Blood, 1988; Dreamspy, 1990. AS DANIEL R. KERNS: Hero, 1993; Border Dispute, 1994. Address: PO Box 6986, Chandler, AZ 85246-6986, U.S.A. Online address:;

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Lichtenberg, Jacqueline

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