Libov, Charlotte

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LIBOV, Charlotte

LIBOV, Charlotte. American, b. 1950. Genres: Medicine/Health. Career: Volunteer English teacher in Ashdod, Israel, 1973-74; Milford Citizen, Milford, CT, general assignment reporter, 1974-76; volunteer counselor at a shelter for victims of domestic violence, Eugene, OR, 1977-79; Journal Inquirer, Manchester, CT, general assignment reporter, 1980-81; Springfield Daily News, Springfield, MA, bureau chief, 1981-84; Courant, Hartford, CT, restaurant reviewer, 1985-92; freelance writer, 1992-. University of Connecticut, lecturer, 1982-83; Connecticut Public Television, freelance writer and producer, 1988-90; public speaker on women's health issues. Publications: (with F.J. Pashkow) The Women's Heart Book: The Complete Guide to Keeping a Healthy Heart, 1993, rev. ed., 2001; (with Pashkow) Fifty Essential Things to Do if the Doctor Says It's Heart Disease, 1995; Women: Hearts at Risk (television documentary), 1995; Migraine: 50 Essential Things to Do, 1998; Beat Your Risk Factors: A Woman's Guide to Reducing Herr Risk for Cancer, Heart Disease, Stroke, Diabetes, and Osteoporosis. Contributor to magazines and newspapers. Address: 28 B Heritage Circle, Southbury, CT 06488, U.S.A. Online address:

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