Lesikar, Raymond Vincent
LESIKAR, Raymond Vincent
LESIKAR, Raymond Vincent. American, b. 1922. Genres: Writing/Journalism. Career: Emeritus Professor of Mgmt., Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, 1977- (Associate Professor, 1954-59; Professor 1960-77). Assistant Professor, University of Texas, Austin, 1949-54; Professor, University of North Texas, Denton, 1979-87. Publications: (with R.D. Hay) Business Report Writing, 1957; (with W.P. Boyd) Productive Business Writing, 1959; Report Writing for Business, 1961, 10th ed., 1998; Business Communication: Theory and Application, 1968, 7th ed., 1993; (with W. Perlick) Introduction to Business: A Societal Approach, 1972, 3rd ed., 1979; How to Write a Report, 1974; Lesikar's Basic Business Communication, 1979, (with M. Flatley) 9th ed., 2002. Address: PO Box 7912, Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657, U.S.A. Online address: lesikar@tstar.net