Lerner, Steve

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LERNER, Steve. American, b. 1946. Career: Village Voice, NYC, staff writer, 1968-69; worked at tool factory, pottery, and orchard, and as carpenter in Vermont, 1971-75; Commonweal, research director, 1975-. Publications: The CY4 Report: Conditions of Life at the California Youth Authority, 1982; Bodily Harm: The Pattern of Fear and Violence at the California Youth Authority, 1986; State Raised Kids No One Wants, 1990; The Good News about Juvenile Justice, 1990; The Geography of Foster Care: Keeping Children in the Neighborhood, 1990; Earth Summit: Conversations with Architects of an Ecologically Sustainable Future, 1991; Beyond the Earth Summit: Conversations with Advocates of Sustainable Development, 1992; Eco-Pioneers, 1997. Contributor to periodicals. Address: 3512 35th St. NW, Washington, DC 20016, U.S.A. Online address: sdlerner@aol.com