Lentin, Ronit

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LENTIN, Ronit. Israeli/Irish, b. 1944. Genres: Novels, Adult non-fiction. Career: Israel Television, production assistant, 1968-69; Irish National Television (RTE), Dublin, Ireland, researcher, 1969-72; freelance newspaper journalist, Dublin, 1972-93; University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, lecturer in women's studies, 1993-94; Trinity College, Dublin, lecturer in sociology, 1994-, part-time lecturer at Centre for Women's Studies, 1995-97, course coordinator for graduate degree in ethnic and racial studies, 1997-. Guest lecturer at other institutions. Publications: (with G. Niland) Who's Minding the Children?, 1981; Sichot im Nashim Palestiniot (title means: Conversations with Palestinian Women), 1982; Night Train to Mother (novel), 1989; Songs on the Death of Children (novel), 1996; Israel and the Daughters of the Shoah: Reoccupying the Territories of Silence, 2000. EDITOR & CONTRIBUTOR: In from the Shadows: The UL Women's Studies Collection, Vol. 1, 1995, Vol. 2, 1996; Gender and Catastrophe, 1997; (with A. Byrne) (Re)searching Women: Feminist Research and Practice in the Social Sciences in Ireland, 2000; (with N. Abdo) Women and Military Confrontation: Palestinian and Israeli Gendered Narratives of Dislocation, 2002; (with R. McVeigh) Racism and Anti-racism in Ireland, 2002. Contributor to books. Contributor of articles, short stories, and reviews to periodicals. Address: Department of Sociology, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland. Online address: rlentin@tcd.ie

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