Lellenberg, Jon L.
LELLENBERG, Jon L. American, b. 1946. Genres: Mystery/Crime/Suspense, Literary criticism and history, Biography. Career: Defense policy analyst, national security strategist, and writer specializing in Sherlock Holmes. Office of the Secretary of Defense, board certified strategist; American agent administering Sherlock Holmes copyrights; writer. Publications: Nova 57 Minor: The Waxing and Waning of the 61st Adventure of Sherlock Holmes, 1990; Irregular Proceedings of the Mid 'Forties, 1995. EDITOR: (and author of intro.) Shylock Homes: His Posthumous Memoirs by John Kedrick Bangs, 1973; The Quest for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Thirteen Biographers in Search of a Life, 1987, 2nd ed. on CD-ROM as The Works of Arthur Conan Doyle, 1997; (with J. Nieminski) Dear Starrett-Dear Briggs: A Compendium of Correspondence, 1989; Irregular Memories of the Thirties, 1990; Irregular Records of the Early 'Forties, 1991; (with M.H. Greenberg and C.-L. Waugh) Holmes for the Holidays, 1996; Irregular Crises of the Late 'Forties, 1998; (with M.H. Greenberg and C.-L. Waugh) The New Adventure of Sherlock Holmes, 1999; (with M.H. Greenberg and C.-L. Waugh) More Holmes for the Holidays, 1999; (with M.H. Greenberg and D. Stashoven) Murder in Baker Street, 2001; (with M.H. Greenberg and D. Stashoven) Murder, My Dear Watson, 2002. Contributor to periodicals. Address: 3133 Connecticut Ave NW No 827, Washington, DC 20008, U.S.A. Online address: jlellenb@dgsys.com