Leiken, Robert S.

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LEIKEN, Robert S.

LEIKEN, Robert S. American, b. 1939. Genres: International relations/Current affairs, Politics/Government. Career: Educational Services Inc., Cambridge, MA, consultant, 1964-65; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, assistant professor of humanities, 1968-71; Centro Investigacion y Documentacion, Mexico, professor of European history, 1971-72; National University of Mexico, Mexico City, professor of Mexican economic history, 1973; Centro Investigaciones y Docencias Economicas, Mexico City, researcher and professor, 1977-78; National Agricultural University of Mexico, Mexico City, professor of economics, 1978-80; National Endowment for the Humanities, reviewer of media program, 1981-; Georgetown University, Center for Strategic and International Studies, director of Soviet-Latin American project, 1981-; author and editor, 1982-; Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, DC, senior associate, 1983-; Brookings Institution, Washington, DC, senior fellow, 1999-; Nixon Center, director of immigrative and national security, Washington, DC. Publications: Soviet Strategy in Latin America, 1982; The Melting Border, 2000; Why Nicaragua Vanished, 2003. EDITOR: Central America: Anatomy of Conflict, 1984; (with B. Rubin) The Central American Crisis Reader, 1987. Contributor to periodicals. Address: Nixon Center, 1615 L St NW, Washington, DC 20036, U.S.A. Online address: rsleiken@erols.com

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