Lee, A(rthur) Robert
LEE, A(rthur) Robert
LEE, A(rthur) Robert. British, b. 1941. Genres: Novels, Novellas/Short stories, Poetry, Area studies, Humanities, Literary criticism and history, Autobiography/Memoirs, Biography, Essays. Career: Princeton University, NJ, research fellow, 1965-66; California State University, Northridge, visiting asst professor, 1967; University of Kent at Canterbury, England, lecturer, 1967-87, senior lecturer, 1987-94, reader, 1994-96; Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan, professor of English, 1997-. Visiting lecturer/professor at universities throughout the US. Publications: Black American Literature since Richard Wright, 1983; Designs of Blackness, 1998; (with G. Vizenor) Postindian Conversations, 1998; Ethnics Behaving Badly, 2001; Multicultural American Literature: Comparative Black, Native, Latino/a and Asian American Fictions, 2003. EDITOR & CONTRIBUTOR: H. Melville, Moby-Dick, 1975, 3rd ed., 1993; Black Fiction: New Studies in the Afro-American Novel since 1945, 1980; Nathaniel Hawthorne: New Critical Essays, 1982; Ernest Hemingway: New Critical Essays, 1983; Herman Melville: Reassessments, 1984; 19th-Century American Poetry, 1985; The 19th-Century American Short Story, 1985; Edgar Allan Poe: The Design of Order, 1986; First Person Singular: Studies in American Autobiography, 1988; Scott Fitzgerald: The Promises of Life, 1989; The Modern American Novella, 1989; William Faulkner: The Yoknapatawpha Fiction, 1990; (with M. Irwin and M. Kinkead-Weekes) Tensions and Transitions, 1990; A Permanent Etcetera, 1993; Typee, 1993; Billy Budd and Other Stories, 1993; Shadow Distance, 1994; Other British, Other Britain, 1995; (with W.M. Verhoeven) Making America, Making American Literature, 1995; The Beat Generation Writers, 1996; Loosening the Seams, 1999; Herman Melville: Critical Assessments, vols. 1-IV, 2001. Contributor to journals and volumes of literary criticism. Address: Dept of English, College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon University, 3-25-40 Sakurajosui, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 156-8550, Japan. Online address: arobertlee@hotmail.com