Lateiner, Donald

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LATEINER, Donald. American, b. 1944. Genres: Classics, Communications/Media, Industrial relations, Language/Linguistics, Literary criticism and history. Career: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, assistant professor of classical studies, 1972-79; Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH, assistant professor, 1979-82, associate professor, 1982-87, professor of Humanities-Classics, 1987-92, John R. Wright Professor of Greek, 1992-. Lateiner Publishing, editor, 1985-. Publications: (ed.) Selected Papers of Lionel Pearson, 1983; The Historical Method of Herodotus, 1989, rev. ed., 1991; Sardonic Smile: Nonverbal Behavior in Homeric Epic, 1995. Address: c/o Judith Hallett, 5147 Westbard Ave, Bethesda, MD 20816, U.S.A. Online address: