The Last Man

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The Last Man ★★ 2000 (R)

Overweight, balding, neurotic graduate student Alan (Arnott), who believes he's the last man alive on earth, is thrilled to discover Sarah (Ryan), a babe who would never have even looked at him pre-apocalypse. But a snake appears in Alan's paradise in the form of hitchhiker Raphael (Montgomery), who's as dumb as he is good-looking (and he's very good looking). Naturally, Sarah is attracted to him—much to Alan's jealous dismay. So if you were the last three people alive, just how would you handle the situation? 93m/C VHS, DVD . David Arnott, Jeri Ryan, Dan Montgomery Jr.; D: Harry Ralston; W: Harry Ralston; C: Michael Grady; M: Woody Jackson, Ivan Knight.

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