Larsen, Torben B.

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LARSEN, Torben B.

LARSEN, Torben B. Danish, b. 1944. Genres: Zoology. Career: International Planned Parenthood Federation, family planning specialist in Beirut, Lebanon, and London, England, 1970-84; Danish International Development Agency, New Delhi, India, family planning specialist, 1984-86; freelance researcher and writer, 1986-. University of Florida, research associate; conducted entomological field studies in Nigeria, Spain, Morocco, Nigeria, Bulgaria, Jordan, Yemen, Papua New Guinea, India, Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, Kenya, Botswana, and Ghana. Publications: Butterflies of Lebanon, 1974; (with K. Larsen) The Butterflies of Oman, 1980; The Butterflies of Saudi Arabia and Its Neighbours, 1984; The Butterflies of Egypt, 1990; The Butterflies of Kenya and Their Natural History, 1991; The Butterflies of Botswana and Their Natural History, forthcoming; The Butterflies of West Africa, forthcoming. Contributor to scientific journals. Address: 358 Coldharbour Lane, London SW9 8PL, England. Online address:

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