Langford, Gary R(aymond)

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LANGFORD, Gary R(aymond)

LANGFORD, Gary R(aymond). New Zealander, b. 1947. Genres: Novels, Plays/Screenplays, Poetry, Novellas/Short stories. Career: Writer. Sr. Lecturer in Creative Writing, University of Western Sydney, 1977-. Ed., Macarthur Literary Review, 1984-. Ed., Ironbark, 1977-83; Co-Ed., Edge Literary Magazine, 1970-72; Director, Playhouse Theatre, 1982-86. Publications: POETRY: The Family, 1973; Four Ships, 1981; The Pest Exterminator's Shakespeare, 1984; Bushido, 1987; Strange City, 1988; Love at the Traffic Lights, 1990; Jesus the Galilee Hitch-Hiker, 1991; Confessions of a Nude Revolutionary, 2000. NOVELS: Death of the Early Morning Hero, 1976; Players in the Ballgame, 1979; The Adventures of Dreaded Ned, 1980; Vanities, 1984; Pillbox, 1986; A Classical Pianist in a Rock 'n Roll Band, 1989; Newlands, 1990, radio script, 1992; The Politics of Dancing, 1994; Friday Always Wanted to Be Tuesday, 1997. PLAYS: Lovers, 1977; Getting On, 1977; Reversals, 1978; I Didn't Ask to Grow Old, 1978; Superman, The True Story, 1979; Don't Jump Out That Window-You're Feeling Fine, 1982; Reunion, 1984; Who's Killing the Great Actors of Macbeth, 1984; Playing Moliere, 1984, radio script, 1993. MUSICALS: Flappers, 1982; Captain Australia, 1983; Doctor Repulsion's Rock 'n' Roll Horror Show, 1983; Soaps, 1984. EDITOR: Superbox, 1971; Shard, 1972. TELEVISION SCRIPTS: Quartet, 1973; Golden Handshake, 1974. STORIES: The Death of James Dean, 1978; A Library Is a Place of Love, 1989; Lunch in the Storyteller's Restaurant, 2001. RADIO SCRIPTS: The Couple Who BBQ Cats, 1995; Epicurean, 1996; A Family Hero, 1997. OTHER: The Writer's Dictionary (textbook), 1999. Address: c/o University of Western Sydney, Locked Bag 1797, Penrith South OC, NSW 1797, Australia. Online address:

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Langford, Gary R(aymond)

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