Lamb, Karl A(llen)

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LAMB, Karl A(llen)

LAMB, Karl A(llen). American, b. 1933. Genres: Novels, Novellas/Short stories, Politics/Government. Career: Faculty member, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1958-63; Assistant Professor, to Professor of Politics, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1963-85; U.S. Naval Academy, dean and professor, 1985-99. Publications: (with J. Pierce and J.P. White) Apportionment and Representative Institutions: The Michigan Experience, 1963: (with N.C. Thomas) Congress: Politics and Practice, 1964; (with P.A. Smith) Campaign Decision-Making, 1968; (ed.) Democracy, Liberalism and Revolution, 1971; The People, Maybe, 1971, 3rd ed., 1978; As Orange Goes, 1974; The Guardians: Leadership Values and the American Tradition, 1982; Reasonable Disagreement: Two U.S. Senators and the Choices They Make, 1998. Address: 1300 Bonito Ct, Arnold, MD 21012-2302, U.S.A. Online address: