Kuznetsov, Nickolaj

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KUZNETSOV, Nickolaj. Ukranian, b. 1955. Genres: Mathematics/Statistics, Information science/Computers. Career: Institute of Cybernetics, Kiev, Ukraine, junior researcher, 1979-84, senior researcher, 1984-89, leading researcher, 1989-. Alexander Humbold Foundation, KFA Julich and GR5, Munich, Germany, research grant, 1990-92, 1994-95. Publications: (with I.N. Kovalenko and V.M. Shurnkov) Random Processes, 1983; (with Kovalenko) Methods for the Evolution of Highly Reliable Systems, 1988; (with Kovalenko) The Mathematical Theory of Reliability of Time-Dependant Systems, with Practical Applications, 1987. Address: Institute of Cybernetics, Prospect Glushkova 40, 252207 Kiev, Ukraine.

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