Krantz, Steven G.
KRANTZ, Steven G.
KRANTZ, Steven G. American, b. 1951. Genres: Mathematics/Statistics. Career: University of California, Los Angeles, assistant professor of mathematics, 1974-81; Pennsylvania State University, University Park, associate professor, 1980-84, professor of mathematics, 1984-86; Washington University, St. Louis, MO, professor of mathematics, 1986-. Visiting professor at univeristies and institutions worldwide; guest lecturer at colleges and universities in the U.S. and abroad. Publications: (with others) Freshman Calculus, 1971; (with Bonic and Cranford) Exercises and Sample Exams for Freshman Calculus, 1971; Function Theory of Several Complex Variables, 1982, 2nd ed., 1992; Complex Analysis: The Geometric Viewpoint (monograph), 1990; Real Analysis and Foundations, 1991; Partial Differential Equations and Complex Analysis, 1992; (with H.R. Parks) A Primer of Real Analytic Functions, 1992; Geometric Analysis and Function Spaces, 1993; How to Teach Mathematics, 1993; (with S. Sawyer) TEX for Scientists, 1994; The Elements of Advanced Mathematics, 1995; Techniques of Problem Solving, 1996; A Primer of Mathematical Writing, 1996; (with Greene) Function Theory of One Complex Variable, 1997; (with E. Gavosto and W. McCallum) Issues in Modern Mathematics Education, 1998; Handbook of Complex Variables, 1999; Handbook of Logic and Proof Techniques, 2001; (with H.R. Parker) The Implicit Function Theorem, 2002; Mathematical Apocrypha, 2002; A Mathematician's Survival Guide, 2003; Handbook of Typography for the Mathematical Sciences, 2001. EDITOR: Complex Analysis Seminar, 1987; (with others) Several Complex Variables and Complex Geometry, 3 vols., 1991; (with K. Rosen and D. Zwillinger) The Standard Book of Tables and Formulas, 1995. Contributor of articles and reviews to mathematics journals. Address: Department of Mathematics, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130, U.S.A. Online address: