Kort, Wesley A.

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KORT, Wesley A.

KORT, Wesley A. American, b. 1935. Genres: Literary criticism and history, Theology/Religion. Career: University of Chicago, Divinity School, assistant to Perrin Lowry, Humanities Division, 1961-62, and Preston T. Roberts, 1962-63; Princeton University, NJ, Dept. of Religion, instructor, 1963-65; Duke University, Durham, NC, Dept. of Religion, assistant professor, 1965-70, member of Graduate Faculty of Religion, 1965-, associate professor, 1970-76, assistant dean of Graduate School, 1970-71, assistant provost, 1973-74, professor, 1976-. Publications: Shriven Selves: Religious Problems in Recent American Fiction, 1972; Narrative Elements and Religious Meaning, 1975; Moral Fiber: Character and Belief in Recent American Fiction, 1982; Modern Fiction and Human Time: A Study in Narrative and Belief, 1985; Story, Text, and Scripture: Literary Interests in Biblical Narratives, 1988; Bound to Differ: The Dynamics of Theological Discourses, 1992; "Take, Read": Scripture, Textuality, and Cultural Practice, 1996; C.S. Lewis Then and Now, 2001. Address: 308 Old Buggy Trail, Hillsborough, NC 27278, U.S.A. Online address: WKort@duke.edu

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