Koontz, Robin Michal

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KOONTZ, Robin Michal

KOONTZ, Robin Michal. American, b. 1954. Genres: Children's fiction, Illustrations. Career: Production artist, illustrator, and writer. Worked as a veterinarian's assistant and nursing home activities director, 1974-76; Monterey Bay Publishing Co., Monterey, CA, typesetter, 1976-77; Express Press Printing, Eugene, OR, typesetter/camera, 1978-84; freelance advertising production artist in Eugene, 1984-85; freelance illustrator/writer, 1985-. Robin's Light-Arted Design Co., Noti, OR, owner; designer of gift tags, enclosures, and greeting cards, 1981-88. Conducts writing and illustrating workshops. Publications: Pussycat Ate the Dumplings, 1987; Dinosaur Dream, 1988; This Old Man, 1988; Chicago and the Cat: A Little Chapter Book, 1992; I See Something You Don't See: A Riddle-Me Picture Book, 1992; Chicago and the Cat: The Camping Trip, 1994; Chicago and the Cat: Halloween Party, 1994; Chicago and the Cat: The Family Reunion, 1996; Chicago and the Cat at the Country Fair, 1998; Complete Backyard Nature Activity Book, 1998; Why a Dog? By a Cat, 2000; How Is a Moose Like a Goose?, 2002. Illustrator of books by: B. Ayres, J. Hoffman, D. McNally, S. Tattler, E. Wilson. Address: PO Box 336, Noti, OR 97461, U.S.A. Online address: robink@rio.com

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Koontz, Robin Michal

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