Koller, Jackie French

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KOLLER, Jackie French

KOLLER, Jackie French. American, b. 1948. Genres: Children's fiction, Young adult fiction. Career: Author. Publications: FOR CHILDREN: Impy for Always, 1989; The Dragonling, 1990; Mole and Shrew, 1991; Fish Fry Tonight!, 1992; Mole and Shrew Step Out, 1992; A Dragon in the Family, 1996; No Such Thing, 1997; Dragon Quest, 1997; Mole and Shrew, All Year Through, 1997; Dragons of Krad, 1997; Dragon Trouble, 1997; Dragons and Kings, 1998; Bouncing on the Bed, 1999; One Monkey Too Many, 1999; Nickommoh!, 1999; Baby for Sale, 2002; Mole & Shrew Are Two, 2000; Mole & Shrew Have Jobs to Do, 2001; Mole & Shrew Find a Clue, 2001. FOR YOUNG ADULTS: Nothing to Fear, 1991; If I Had One Wish…, 1991; The Last Voyage of the Misty Day, 1992; The Primrose Way, 1992; A Place to Call Home, 1995; The Falcon, 1998; The Promise, 1999; Someday, 2002. Contributor of poems to anthologies. Address: c/o Curtis Brown Ltd, 10 Astor Pl, New York, NY 10003, U.S.A. Online address: jackiek@aol.com

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