Kohn, Alan J(acobs)

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KOHN, Alan J(acobs)

KOHN, Alan J(acobs). American, b. 1931. Genres: Zoology. Career: Hopkins Marine Station, laboratory assistant, 1951; Narragansett Marine Laboratory, junior assistant in marine biology, 1952; Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, technician, 1953; Hawaii Marine Laboratory, associate in research, 1954, visiting collaborator, 1955-56; Yale University, New Haven, CT, W.W. Anderson fellow at Bingham Oceanographic Laboratory, 1958; Florida State University, Tallahassee, assistant professor of zoology, 1958-61; University of Washington, Seattle, assistant professor, 1961-63, associate professor, 1963-67, professor of zoology, 1967-98, adjunct professor at Quaternary Research Center, 1986-, professor emeritus, 1998-. Thomas Burke Memorial Washington State Museum, affiliate curator of malacology, 1965-70, adjunct curator, 1971-. Smithsonian Institution, National Research Council, senior postdoctoral research associate, 1967, research associate at National Museum of Natural History, 1985-, senior fellow of the museum, 1990; University of Hawaii at Manoa, visiting professor, 1968. Visiting investigator at Mid-Pacific Marine Laboratory, Enewetak, 1957 and 1971-73, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 1961, and University of the Ryukyus, 1982-83; participant in Yale Seychelles Expedition to the Indian Ocean, 1957-58, and U.S. Biology Program of the International Indian Ocean Exped, 1963. Publications: A Chronological Taxonomy of Conus, 1758-1840, 1992; (ed. with F.W. Harrison) Microscopic Anatomy of Invertebrates, Vol 5: Mollusca I, 1994; (with F.E. Perron) Life History and Biogeography: Patterns in Conus, 1994; (with D. Rockel and W. Korn) Manual of the Living Conidae, 1995. Contributor to scientific journals. Address: Department of Zoology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, U.S.A. Online address: kohn@u.washington.edu

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