Kohl, MaryAnn F(aubion)

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KOHL, MaryAnn F(aubion)

KOHL, MaryAnn F(aubion). American, b. 1947. Genres: Art/Art history, Education. Career: Author, 1985-. Bright Ring Publishing, Bellingham, WA, founder and owner, 1985-. Former teacher in Ferndale, WA, and at Whatcom Community College and Bellingham Technical College; educational consultant. Publications: Mudworks: Creative Clay, Dough, and Modeling Experiences, 1989; (with C. Gainer) Good Earth Art: Environmental Art for Kids, 1990; (with J. Potter) ScienceArts: Discovering Science through Art Experiences, 1993; (with C. Gainer) MathArts: Exploring Math through Art for Three to Six Year Olds, 1996; (with J. Potter) Cooking Art: Easy Edible Art for Young Children, 1997; (with K. Solga) Discovering Great Artists: Hands-on Art for Children in the Styles of the Masters, 1997; (with J. Potter) Global Art: Activities, Projects, and Inventions from around the World, 1998; Making Make-Believe: Fun Props, Costumes, and Creative Play Ideas, 1999; The Big Messy Art Book: But Easy to Clean Up, 2000; (with J. Potter) Snacktivities: Fifty Edible Activities for Parents and Young Children, 2001; (with J. Potter) Storybook Art: Hands-on Art for Children in the Styles of One Hundred Great Picture Book Illustrators, 2002. CO-AUTHOR: Scribble Cookies: Independent Creative Art Experiences for Children, 1986, rev. ed. as Scribble Art: Independent Creative Art Experiences for Children, 1994; Preschool Art: It's the Process, Not the Product, 1994; Painting: Preschool Art (excerpted from Preschool Art), 2001; Clay and Dough: Preschool Art (excerpted from Preschool Art), 2001; Craft and Construction: Preschool Art (excerpted from Preschool Art), 2001; Drawing: Preschool Art (excerpted from Preschool Art), 2001; Collage and Paper: Preschool Art (excerpted from Preschool Art), 2001; First Art: Art Experiences for Toddlers and Twos, 2002. Contributor of short stories and essays to anthologies and periodicals. Address: PO Box 31338, Bellingham, WA 98228, U.S.A. Online address: maryann@brightring.com

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