Klare, George Roger

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KLARE, George Roger

KLARE, George Roger. American, b. 1922. Genres: Language/Linguistics, Mathematics/Statistics, Psychology. Career: Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Ohio University, Athens, since 1954 (Chairman, Dept. of Psychology, 1959-63; Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, 1965-71; Acting Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, 1984-85; Acting Associate Provost for Graduate and Research Progs., 1986-87), now emeritus. Research Associate and Language Program Director, Computer-Aided Instructional Laboratory, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1968-69; Visiting Professor, University of Iowa, 1979-80, State University of New York, Stony Brook, 1971-72. Publications: (with B. Buck) Know Your Reader, 1954; The Measurement of Readability, 1963; (with P. A. Games) Elementary Statistics: Data Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences, 1967, instructors' manual, 1967; (with L. R. Campbell) Measuring the Readability of High School Newspapers, Parts I II, 1967; A Manual for Readable Writing, 1975, 4th ed., 1980; How to Write Readable English, 1984. Address: Dept. of Psychology, Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701, U.S.A. Online address: klare@ohiou.edu

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