Kirchner, Emil J(oseph)
KIRCHNER, Emil J(oseph)
KIRCHNER, Emil J(oseph). German, b. 1942. Genres: Politics/Government. Career: University of Essex, England, temporary lecturer, 1974-76, director of Centre for European Studies, 1990-97, lecturer, professor, 1992-, coordinator of Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence, 1999-; European Institute for European Community Policy Making, Brussels, director, 1981-86; European University Institute, Florence, Italy, Jean Monnet fellow, 1985-86; University of Connecticut at Storrs, visiting professor, 1986-87; Charles University, Prague, Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education, visiting professor, 1997, 1998; Autonomous National University of Mexico, Social Sciences, visiting professor, 1998; Renmin University of China, Beijing, Honorary Guest Professor, 2001-. Journal of European Integration, executive editor, 1997-. Honorary Jean Monnet Chair in European Political Integration, 1997. Cross of the Order of Merit, Germany, 2002. Publications: Trade Unions as a Pressure Group in the European Community, 1977; European Interest Groups and Their Relations with the Economic and Social Committee, 1980; (with K. Schweiger) The Role of Interest Groups in the European Community, 1981; The European Parliament: Performance and Prospects, 1984; Decision Making in the European Community, 1992; (with I. Budge and K. Newton) The Politics of the New Europe, 1998. EDITOR: (and contrib.) Public Service Unions and the European Community, 1983; (and contrib.) Liberal Parties in Western Europe, 1988; (with J. Sperling) The Federal Republic and NATO, 1949-1989, 1992; (with C. Bluth and J. Sperling) The Future of European Security, 1994; (with J. Sperling) Recasting the European Order, 1997; Decentralisation and Transition: The Visegrad Countries, 1999; (with T. Christiansen) Committee Governance in the European Union, 2000. Address: Department of Government, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex CO4 3SQ, England. Online address: