Kinealy, Christine
KINEALY, Christine
KINEALY, Christine. Irish (born England), b. 1956. Genres: History. Career: Ulster Historical Foundation, Belfast, Northern Ireland, deputy director, 1987-90; University of Liverpool, England, deputy director of education program, 1990-92, fellow, 1992-. Historical consultant to Irish government, 1988-90. Publications: (ed. with C. Gallagher and T. Parkhill) Making Sense of Irish History: Evidence in Ireland for the Young Historian, 1990; Migration and Settlement: A Multi-Cultural Approach, 1992; The Glorious Revolution in Ireland, 1992; This Great Calamity: The Irish Famine, 1845-52, 1994; (with S. Sexton) The Irish: A Photohistory, 2002; The Great Irish Famine: Impact, Ideology and Rebellion, 2002. Contributor to books. Contributor to history and Irish studies journals. Address: 12 Marsden Rd, Southport, Merseyside PR9 9AE, England. Online address: