Kimmerling, Baruch

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KIMMERLING, Baruch. Israeli (born Romania), b. 1939. Genres: Politics/Government, Sociology. Career: Freelance writer for newspapers and the Israeli Broadcasting Service, 1962-68; Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, lecturer in department of sociology and anthropology, 1978-82, associate professor, 1982-87, professor, 1987-, director of Center for the Study and Documentation of Israeli Society, 1985-87. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, research fellow at Center for International Studies, 1978-79; Israel Foundation, trustee, 1983-85; University of Washington, research fellow, 1987-88, visiting associate professor at Henry Jackson School for International Studies, 1988-89; Israel Studies Association, member of board of directors, 1989. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, consulting editor, 1980. Publications: Zionism and Territory: The Socioterritorial Dimensions of Zionist Politics, 1983; Zionism and Economy, 1983; The Interrupted System: Israeli Civilians in War and Routine Times, 1985; (ed.) The Israeli State and Society: Boundaries and Frontiers, 1989; (with J.S. Migdal) Palestinians: The Making of a People, 1993; The Sociology of Politics (textbook in Hebrew; title translated), 2 vols., 1993; Cultural Wars in Israel (in Hebrew), 2000. Contributor to anthologies. Contributor to periodicals. Address: Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 91 905 Jerusalem, Israel. Online address:

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