Kimball, Cheryl

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KIMBALL, Cheryl. American, b. 1957. Genres: How-to books, Self help. Career: Heinemann (publisher), Portsmouth, NH, publisher in trade division, 1990-96; Chronimed Publishing, Minneapolis, MN, publishing director, 1996-98; Adams Media Corp., Avon, MA, acquisitions editor, 1998-2000; freelance writer and editor, 2000-. Publications: The Everything Horse Book: Buying, Riding, and Caring for Your Equine Companion, 2002; The Everything Get-out-of-Debt Book: Evaluate Your Options, Determine Your Course of Action, and Make a Fresh Start, 2002; Mindful Horsemanship: Increasing Your Awareness One Day at a Time, 2002; (with S.R. Turlington and C.A. Shea) The Everything Kid's Monsters Book: From Ghosts, Goblins, and Gremlins to Vampires, Werewolves, and Zombies: Puzzles, Games, and Trivia Guaranteed to Keep You up at Night, 2002; The Everything Home Decorating Book, 2003; (with M. Hammerly) What to Do When the Doctor Says It's PCOS, 2003; (with T. Lyons) What to Do When the Doctor Says It's Endometriosis: Everything You Need to Know to Stop the Pain and Heal Your Fertility, 2003; Outwitting Ants: 101 Truly Ingenious Methods and Proven Techniques to Prevent Ants from Devouring Your Garden and Destroying Your Home, 2003. Address: c/o Author Mail, Adams Media Corp., 57 Littlefield St., Avon, MA 02322, U.S.A. Online address: