Kettelkamp, Larry Dale

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KETTELKAMP, Larry Dale. American, b. 1933. Genres: Children's nonfiction, Music, Paranormal, Psychology, Sciences, Sports/Fitness, Biography. Career: Garrard Publishing, Champaign, IL, art director, 1959-60; Highlights for Children, Honesdale, PA, layout and staff artist, 1962-67; Summy-Birchard Music, Princeton, NJ, director of publs., 1981-82; Rider University, Lawrenceville, NJ, instructor of graphic design, 1986-90; Bookarts Assocs., Cranbury, NJ, director, 1982-. Freelance writer, editor, music teacher, organist, composer, and lectr. Publications: Magic Made Easy, 1954; Spooky Magic, 1955; The Magic of Sound, 1956; Shadows, 1957; Singing Strings, 1958; Kites, 1959; Drums, Rattles and Bells, 1960; Gliders, 1961; Flutes, Whistles and Reeds, 1962; Puzzle Patterns, 1963; Spirals, 1964; Horns, 1964; Spinning Tops, 1966; Song, Speech and Ventriloquism, 1967; Dreams, 1968; Haunted Houses, 1969; Sixth Sense, 1970; Investigating UFOs, 1971; Religions East and West, 1972; Astrology, Wisdom of the Stars, 1973; Tricks of Eye and Mind, 1976; Hypnosis: The Wakeful Sleep, 1975; The Dreaming Mind, 1975; A Partnership of Mind and Body: Biofeedback, 1976; Investigating Psychics, 1977; The Healing Arts, 1978; Lasers, 1979; Mischievous Ghosts, 1980; Your Marvelous Mind, 1980; Electronic Musical Instruments, 1984; Starter Solos for Classical Guitar, 1984; Intermediate Etudes for Classical Guitar, 1984; The Human Brain, 1986; Modern Sports Science, 1986; Bill Cosby, 1987; Computer Graphics, 1989; Living in Space, 1993; ETs and UFOs, 1996. Address: 2 Wynnewood Dr, Cranbury, NJ 08512, U.S.A. Online address:

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