Kereszty, Roch A.

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KERESZTY, Roch A. American (born Hungary), b. 1933. Genres: Theology/Religion. Career: University of Dallas, Texas, lecturer in theology, 1963-65, assistant professor of theology, 1965-70, chaplain, 1963-65, associate professor, 1970-78, adjunct professor of theology, 1978-; Cistercian Preparatory School, Irving, TX, instructor, 1969-, chairman of Theology Dept., 1972-. Publications: God Seekers for a New Age: From Crisis Theology to Christian Atheism, 1970; Krisztus, 1977; (with W.R. Farmer) Peter and Paul in the Church of Rome, 1990; Jesus Christ, Fundamentals of Christology, 1991, 2nd ed., 2002; (ed.) Rediscovering the Eucharist: Ecumenical Conversation, 2003. Address: Cistercian Abbey, 3550 Cistercian Rd, Irving, TX 75039, U.S.A. Online address:

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