Kenney, William Howland, III

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KENNEY, William Howland, III

KENNEY, William Howland, III. American, b. 1940. Genres: Music, History. Career: Kent State University, Kent, OH, 1966-76, assistant professor, became associate professor, currently professor emeritus of American history and studies, 1976-. Publications: Chicago Jazz: A Cultural History, 1904-1930, 1993; Recorded Music in American Life: The Phonograph and Popular Memory, 1890-1945, 1999. EDITOR: Laughter in the Wilderness: Early American Humor to 1783, 1976; (with S. Deveaux) The Music of James Scott, 1993. Contributor to books and professional journals. Address: Department of History, Kent State University, 305 Bowman Hall, Kent, OH 44242, U.S.A. Online address:

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