Keens-Douglas, Richardo

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KEENS-DOUGLAS, Richardo. West Indian (born Grenada), b. 1953. Genres: Plays/Screenplays. Career: Actor, writer, and storyteller. Member, Stratford Shakespearean Festival, 1978. Host, Cloud 9, CBC-Radio. Teacher, Children's Theatre, 1974-77; storyteller, performing throughout North America and overseas. Publications: The Obeah Man (musical), 1985; Caribbean Cindy (play), 1992; The Nutmeg Princess, 1992; La Diablesse and the Baby, 1994; Freedom Child of the Sea, 1995; Grandpa's Visit, 1996; The Trial of the Stone, 2000; The Nutmeg Princess (musical play), 2000. RADIO PLAYS: Once upon an Island; Tell a Tale. Contributor of short fiction to anthologies. Address: 10 Beaconsfield Ave. No. 4, Toronto, ON, Canada M6J 3H9. Online address:

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