Kæves, András

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KÖVES, András

KÖVES, András. Hungarian, b. 1938. Genres: Economics. Career: Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Budapest, Soviet desk officer and embassy in Moscow, 1960-73; Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, senior research fellow in economics, 1973-78; Kopint Institute for Economic and Market Research, Budapest, head of research department for international economics, 1978-87; Kopint-Datorg, Budapest, deputy general director of research, 1987-2002, adviser, 2002-. Publications: The CMEA Countries in the World Economy: Turning Inwards or Turning Outwards, 1985; (ed. with P. Marer) Foreign Economic Liberalization: Transformations in Socialist and Market Economies, 1991; Central and East European Economies in Transition: The International Dimension, 1992. Address: Kopint-Datorg, Csokonai u.3., H-1081 Budapest, Hungary. Online address: koves@mail.datanet.hu