Johnson, Susan (Ruth)

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JOHNSON, Susan (Ruth)

JOHNSON, Susan (Ruth). Australian, b. 1956. Genres: Novels. Career: Courier-Mail, Brisbane, Australia, cadet journalist, 1975-77; Australian Women's Weekly, Sydney, Australia, journalist, 1977-78; Sun-Herald, Sydney, journalist, 1980; Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney, feature writer, 1980-82; National Times, correspondent from Queensland, Australia, 1982-84; novelist, 1984-. Publications: FICTION: Messages from Chaos, 1987; Flying Lessons, 1990; A Big Life, 1993; Hungry Ghosts, 1996. NONFICTION: A Better Woman, 1999. EDITOR: (co) Latitudes: New Writing from the North, 1986; Women Love Sex, 1996. Contributor of short stories to literary magazines. Address: c/o Washington Square Press, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, U.S.A. Online address:;

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