Johnson, Colin

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JOHNSON, Colin. British, b. 1939. Genres: Medicine/Health, Philosophy. Career: Writer. Odd jobs include work as automotive mechanic, kitchen porter, toolmaker, draftsman, design engineer, factory manager for a cooperative, designer of plastic structures, and magazine distributor; farmer and philosopher. Publications: WITH ARABELLA MELVILLE: Cured to Death: The Effects of Prescription Drugs, 1982; Hayfever: No Need to Suffer, 1985; The Long-Life Heart: How to Avoid Heart Disease and Live a Longer Life, 1985; Persistent Fat and How to Lose It, 1986 (in U.S. as Fat Free Forever, 1987); Alternatives to Drugs: A Handbook to Health without Hazards, 1987 (in U.S. as Health without Hazards, 1990); Immunity Plus: How to Be Healthy in an Age of New Infections, 1988; The Complete Diet Book, 1989; Eat Yourself Thin, 1990. SOLE AUTHOR: Green Dictionary, 1991. Address: David Grossman Literary Agency Ltd., 118B Holland Park Ave., London W11 4UA, England. Online address:

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