Jerman, Jerry

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JERMAN, Jerry. American. Genres: Young adult fiction. Career: Almar Bookstore, Oklahoma City, OK, assistant manager to manager, 1972-74; Oklahoma City University, instructor, 1974-77; The Economy Company, Oklahoma City, writer/editor, 1978-81; Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Tulsa, OK, technical writer, 1981-82; University of Oklahoma, Norman, promotion and information specialist, 1982-83, assistant to the vice provost, 1983-90, director of marketing, 1990-2002, director of development, 2002-. Freelance writer and editor for textbook publishers, 1981-89. Publications: THE JOURNEYS OF JESSIE LAND SERIES: The Long Way Home, 1995; My Father the Horse Thief, 1995; Phantom of the Pueblo, 1995; Danger at Outlaw Creek, 1995; Calamity at the Circus, 1996; The Secret of Whispering Woods, 1996. Address: University of Oklahoma, 1700 Asp Ave, Norman, OK 73072, U.S.A. Online address:

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