Jennings, Kate

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JENNINGS, Kate. Australian/American, b. 1948. Genres: Novels, Novellas/Short stories, Poetry, Essays. Career: Writer. Publications: Come to Me My Melancholy Baby (poetry), 1975; (ed.) Mother, I'm Rooted: An Anthology of Australian Women Poets, 1975; Women Falling Down in the Street (short fiction), 1990; Snake (novel), 1997; Save Me, Joe Louis (essays), 1988; Bad Manners (essays) 1993; Cats, Dogs and Pitchforks (poems), 1993; Moral Hazard, 2002. Address: c/o Author mail, 7th Floor, HarperCollins Publishers, 10 E 53rd St, New York, NY 10022, U.S.A. Online address:

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Jennings, Kate

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