James, Russell

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JAMES, Russell

JAMES, Russell. British, b. 1942. Genres: Mystery/Crime/Suspense. Career: Broadcaster and actor, 1960-67; worked for International Business Machines (IBM) in England, 1967-70; held managerial position, 1970-79; Business Aid, owner and business consultant, 1979-2000. Publications: Underground, 1989; Daylight, 1990; Payback, 1991; Slaughter Music, 1993; Count Me Out, 1995; Oh No, Not My Baby, 1998; Painting in the Dark, 2000; Pick Any Title, 2002; The Annex, 2002. Contributor of stories, articles, scripts, and theater sketches. Address: c/o Jane Conway-Gordon, 1 Old Compton St, London W1D 5JA, England. Online address: RJ@russelljames.co.uk

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