Inch, Morris Alton
INCH, Morris Alton
INCH, Morris Alton. American, b. 1925. Genres: Theology/Religion. Career: Gordon College, Wenham, MA, Associate Professor of Christian Education, 1955-62, Academic Dean, 1959-60, 1961-62, Dean of Students, 1960-61; Wheaton College, IL, Professor of Theology, 1962-86, Chairman, Dept. of Religious Studies, 1969-84, Professor Emeritus, 1986; Institute of Holy Land Studies, Jerusalem, President, 1986-90; Institutul Biblique din OradeaRomania, Visiting Professor, 1991-93. Publications: Psychology in the Psalms, 1969; Christianity without Walls, 1972; Paced by God, 1973; Celebrating Jesus as Lord, 1974; (ed. with S.J. Schultz) Interpreting the Word of God, 1976; Understanding Bible Prophecy, 1977; The Evangelical Challenge, 1978; My Servant Job, 1979; (gen. ed.) The Literature and Meaning of Scripture, 1981; Doing Theology across Cultures, 1982; Saga of the Spirit: A Biblical, Systematic and Historical Theology of the Holy Spirit, 1985; Making the Gospel Relevant, 1986; Revelation across Cultures, 1995; Charting a Good Church Trip, 1995; Exhortations of Jesus According to Matthew, 1997; Up from the Depths: Mark as Tragedy, 1997; A Case for Christianity, 1997; Sage Sayings, 1997; Chaos Paradigm: A Theological Exploration, 1998; In Tune with God: A User-Friendly Theology, 1998; Man: The Perennial Question, 1999; Devotions with David, 2000; Demetrius the Disciple, 2000; Casey and Tonka, 2000; Scripture as Story, 2000; Two Mosaic Motifs, 2001; The High God, 2001; Why Take the Bible Seriously?, 2001; Whispers of Heaven, 2002. Address: 349 Cagle Rock Circle, Russellville, AR 72802, U.S.A. Online address: