Hunter, Eric J.

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HUNTER, Eric J. British, b. 1930. Genres: Novels, Information science/Computers, Librarianship. Career: Liverpool John Moores University (formerly Liverpool Polytechnic), lecturer, 1969-76, senior lecturer, 1976-89, reader, 1989-92, head of information and library studies, 1992-94, professor of information management, Liverpool Business School, 1994-95, emeritus professor of information management, 1995-. Previous appointments in libraries: Bootle, 1948-65, Warrington, 1965-68, and Liverpool, 1968-69. Also visiting professor/lecturer in USA, Norway, Italy and Japan. Publications: John J. Ogle, 1966; Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules 1967: An Introduction, 1972; Examples Illustrating Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 1973, 3rd ed., 1989; Cataloguing: A Guidebook, 1974; Display for Librarians, 1975; AACR 2: An Introduction, 1979, 1989; Cataloguing, 1979, 3rd ed., 1991; The ABC of BASIC: An Introduction to Programming for Librarians, 1982; Computerized Cataloguing, 1985; Classification Made Simple, 1988, rev. ed., 2002; A Guide to the Concise AACR 2, 1994; For Those in Peril (novel), forthcoming. Contributor to monographs, periodicals, conference proceedings. Address: 44 Cornwall Way, Ainsdale, Southport, Merseyside PR8 3SH, England. Online address:;

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Hunter, Eric J.

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