Huhne, Christopher
HUHNE, Christopher
HUHNE, Christopher. British, b. 1954. Genres: Economics, Politics/Government, Money/Finance. Career: Freelance journalist in India, 1975-76; Liverpool Daily Post and Echo, Liverpool, England, graduate trainee, 1976-77; Economist, London, England, Brussels correspondent, 1977-80; Guardian, London, economic leader writer, 1980-85, economic editor and weekly columnist, 1985-90; The Independent, and The Independent on Sunday, London, business and economics editor and department head, 1990-94; IBCA Ltd, economics director, 1994-97, group managing director, 1997-99; European Parliament, member, 1999-. Occasional broadcaster and lecturer. SDP Liberal Alliance candidate for Parliament for Reading East, 1983, and Oxford West and Abingdon, 1987. Publications: Issues in the 1984 European Parliamentary Elections, 1984; (with H. Lever) Debt and Danger: The World Financial Crisis, 1985, rev. ed., 1987; The Forces Shaping British Attitudes towards the European Community, 1985; Real World Economics, 1990; (with M. Emerson) The ECU Report, 1991; (with J. Kordor) Both Sides of the Coin, 1999. Address: European Parliament, Rue Wiertz, B-1047 Brussels, Belgium. Online address: