Hughes, (James) Quentin
HUGHES, (James) Quentin
HUGHES, (James) Quentin. British, b. 1920. Genres: Architecture, History, Military/Defense/Arms control, Travel/Exploration. Career: Hon. Research Fellow, University of Liverpool, 1989- (University Reader, 1967-89). Ed., Fort mag. Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, and Professor of Architecture, Royal University of Malta, 1968-72; Hon. Professor, J.M. University, 1999; OBE. Publications: The Building of Malta, 1956; (with N. Lynton) Renaissance Architecture, 1962; Seaport: Architecture and Townscape in Liverpool, 1964, 2nd ed., 1994; Fortress, 1966; (ed.) Le Fabbriche e i Desegni di Andrea Palladio, by Ottavio Bertotti Scamozzi, 1968; Liverpool, 1970; Malta, 1972; Military Architecture, 1974, 1991; Britain in the Mediterranean and the Defence of Her Naval Stations, 1981; Military Architecture, 1991; Malta, a Guide to the Fortifications, 1993; (with A. Migos) Strong as the Rock of Gibraltar, 1995; Who Cares Who Wins, 1998; Liverpool: A City of Architecture, 1999: (with C. Thake) Malta: The Baroque Island, 2003. Address: 10A Fulwood Park, Liverpool L17 5AH, England. Online address: